Texas Outdoor News Radio

Harold Gunn and Bill Olson complete their annual Waltz Across Texas hunting forecast with updates from South Texas and the Hill Country.

Direct download: TX_Outdoor_News_10_28_17.mp3
Category:General Outdoors -- posted at: 12:24pm CDT

Guests Texas Parks and Wildlife Department District Leaders, John Silovsky from Tyler and Mike Janis from Alpine, discuss the range conditions in their respective areas of the state and the prospects for the upcoming hunting seasons.

Direct download: TX_Outdoor_News_10_21_17.mp3
Category:General Outdoors -- posted at: 5:00pm CDT

Guests Texas Parks and Wildlife Departments District Leaders Kevin Mote in Brownwood and Calvin Richardson in Canyon cover their area's range conditions and hunting prospects.

Direct download: TX_Outdoor_News_10_14_17.mp3
Category:General Outdoors -- posted at: 5:26pm CDT

Guests Texas Parks and Wildlife Department District Leaders Micah Poteet from Lufkin and David Forrester from La Grange discuss their area's range conditions and hunting opportunities.

Direct download: TX_Outdoor_News_10_07_17.mp3
Category:General Outdoors -- posted at: 10:15am CDT

Guest Kevin Burleson, Heart of Texas Bowhunting, covers archery hunting opportunities and techniques.

Direct download: TX_Outdoor_News_09_30_17.mp3
Category:General Outdoors -- posted at: 4:24pm CDT