Texas Outdoor News Radio

Guest Captain Allen Sifford, Fish-On Guide Service, covers fishing the Texas middle coast.

Direct download: TX_Outdoor_News_03_28_15.mp3
Category:General Outdoors -- posted at: 10:44am CDT

Guest: Kevin Shaw with Stiffy Push Poles discusses fishing tactics with the proper use of push poles.

Direct download: TX_Outdoor_News_03_21_15.mp3
Category:General Outdoors -- posted at: 11:10am CDT

Guest: Matt Williams, Texas Outdoors Journal Freshwater Editor, discusses spring tactics.

Direct download: TX_Outdoor_News_03_14_15.mp3
Category:General Outdoors -- posted at: 10:15am CDT

Guest: Robin Reichers, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Coastal Fisheries Director, discusses this vast resource.

Direct download: TX_Outdoor_News_03_07_15.mp3
Category:General Outdoors -- posted at: 11:29am CDT

Guest: Captain Tommy Countz offers advice on how to fish Maagorda and Baffin Bays.

Direct download: TX_Outdoor_News_02_28_15.mp3
Category:General Outdoors -- posted at: 5:33pm CDT