Texas Outdoor News Radio

Bill and Harold offer suggestions for outdoor activities this holiday season.

Direct download: TX_Outdoor_News_12_23_17.mp3
Category:General Outdoors -- posted at: 2:58pm CST

Harold and Bill offer Christmas gift ideas for the angler and hunter.

Direct download: TX_Outdoor_News_12_16_17.mp3
Category:General Outdoors -- posted at: 3:20pm CST

Guest Andrew Howard with Howard Communications offers up a test drive of the new Can-Am Defender MAX Lone Star edition side by side ATV.

Direct download: TX_Outdoor_News_12_09_17.mp3
Category:General Outdoors -- posted at: 10:56am CST

Guest Clayton Wolf, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Wildlife Division Director, discusses the challenges facing the department from Chronic Wasting Disease to land fragmentation.

Direct download: TX_Outdoor_News_12_02_17.mp3
Category:General Outdoors -- posted at: 11:33am CST