Texas Outdoor News Radio

Guests: Phillip Dickerson, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department District Leader from Midland, and David Forrester, District Leader from La Grange, discuss the upcoming hunting season opportunities in their respective regions of Texas.

Direct download: TX_Outdoor_News_10_25_14.mp3
Category:General Outdoors -- posted at: 8:46am CST

Guests: Calvin Richardson, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department District Leader from Canyon, and Rufus Stevens, District Leader from Kerrville, discuss the upcoming hunting season in West Texas and the Hill Country.

Direct download: TX_Outdoor_News_10_18_14.mp3
Category:General Outdoors -- posted at: 8:54am CST

Guest: Kevin Mote, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department District Leader from Brownwood, and Gary Calkins, District Leader from Jasper, discuss range conditions and fall hunting opportunities in their areas.

Direct download: TX_Outdoor_News_10_11_14.mp3
Category:General Outdoors -- posted at: 10:24am CST

Guest: Mike Sutton, owner of Getaway Adventures Lodge, discusses recent renovation and remodeling at the lodge, previews fall fishing and reveals the exciting "blast and cast" options in Port Mansfield. 

Direct download: TX_Outdoor_News_10_04_14.mp3
Category:General Outdoors -- posted at: 9:32am CST